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It takes two hours for the sauna to heat up if not already in use. Please book in advance. You can find more information and book our other sauna in Voss. By visiting our new website wildsauna.no


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Antal 1

Kun for andelshavere

Hvis du booker på vegne af en andelshaver, skal du angive ejerens oplysninger i din reservation.


Skulle det ske, at denne leverandør er billigere andre steder, så tag kontakt. Vi refunderer depositum!

Welcome to our spectacular sauna, located by the fjord in Bakka, a short drive from Gudvangen. Welcome to our lovely little sauna located by Vangsvatnet in Voss. All info about our saunas can be found on our new website wildsauna.no. If you have used our sauna before you can book the old way with the calendar on this page.


Please note during winter time you must bring your own water for the oven. Our water is frozen and using fjord water will destroy the oven.

Please remember it takes two hours for the sauna to heat up if its not already in use. Book at least two hours in advance unless you see people have already used the sauna before you.




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